
Is Digital Currency Too Big To Fail?

Is Digital Currency Too Big To Fail?

The vested interests in most industries can count on favorable government intervention to block competition. Now, because of the original disruptive technology known as the internet, the general public can get introduced to market breakthroughs overnight. This has made obsolete special government roadblocks in some market segments.

The corrupt mainstream press can’t even take the steam out of some new developments as they once were able to through “bought and paid for”  stories designed to crush targeted companies. Lightening advances have never been more obvious to the public at large than with Bitcoin.

Remember the first Bitcoin transaction in 2010? Two pizzas were purchased with 10,000 Bitcoins. That coin sum would now buy a pretty nice crib  in South Beach. Can Bitcoin trading at $7100 a coin today be stopped? Well, never say never but when the top ten cryptocurrency exchanges are  moving 6 billion dollars worth in cryptocoins every 24 hours it seems like digital currencies are here to stay.

Some governments sensing the inevitable, like Japan, are now developing regulatory frameworks to institutionalize the market. Why? Just like The Godfathers in the early 30’s and 40’s that made sure they always got their “cut” of the action, governments will figure out how to get their piece and that is when the cryptocurreny world becomes “to big to fail”.


Robert Cefail

By |2017-11-03T20:22:57-05:00November 3rd, 2017|DFN COLUMNIST, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Is Digital Currency Too Big To Fail?

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