

June 2024

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December 2023

2023 Was The Last Normal Year (And A.I. Is Why)

By |2023-12-31T22:27:52-05:00December 31st, 2023|DFN COLUMNIST|

No one would call the last several years “normal,” but a few things have remained constant; a few theories of life were as expected. But I think it’s safe to declare 2023 the last “normal year” when it comes to technology—and that’s really only rounding to the end of the year for the sake of this article.

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November 2023

It’s Not The Singularity, Not Yet Anyway

By |2023-11-30T17:22:47-05:00November 30th, 2023|DFN COLUMNIST|

A.I.s, like ChatGPT, are not “intelligent” in the way that term implies. They are extremely powerful tools that we are only beginning to explore their full uses and how quickly they will become part of our day-to-day lives—if they haven’t already.

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October 2023

Understanding Web 3.0 Doesn’t Have To Be Scary

By |2023-10-31T15:43:26-05:00October 31st, 2023|DFN COLUMNIST|

So, you heard the words “Web 3.0,” and you didn’t even know there was a Web 2.0. Or you mentioned that term to someone else, and they acted like you just referenced particle physics. That’s a more common reaction than you’d think. And, in a way, an apt comparison. Modern tech jargon is notoriously complex, with a lot of terms that relate to other terms that need untangling.

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September 2023

The Paradox Effecting Decentralization

By |2023-09-26T17:49:20-05:00September 28th, 2023|DFN COLUMNIST|

In terms of decentralization, we’re at an interesting point in the world of crypto. This isn’t a sweeping thought—nor does it apply in a lot of cases, but in my research for The Scam Logs, I noticed a trend. I noticed a unified piece of advice when it comes to avoiding pitfalls. The safest places to get NFTs, for instance, are well-established exchanges like OpenSea. The best-regarded wallets are ones like MetaMask. Essentially, trusted brands.

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August 2023

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